Playing in the surf at Crinnis Beach

Club Rules

Please note these are subject to change without notice.


  • To promote beach safety awareness and education.
  • To provide lifesaving training at all levels, from Nipper to professional Lifeguards.
  • To support our members who wish to participate in competition. 


  • All members must be a member of SLSGB for insurance purposes. When you join our club, this will be managed by us.
  • Members are expected to attend club sessions on a regular basis, although there will always be times when absence is acceptable e.g., sickness/ holidays.
  • Members are reminded that the use of illegal and recreational drugs will not be tolerated. Any member found to be using these at club events or on club premises may become subject to disciplinary procedures.
  • Members are reminded that they are expected to uphold the good name of the club whilst on club organised events. Should the committee deem any behaviour unsatisfactory, further action may be taken.

Nippers/ Sandhoppers

  • The safety of your children is our prime consideration at all times. Therefore, we ask that the following rules are always adhered to:
  • Children aged 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult, who must also be a member of CBSLSC. CBSLSC membership needs to be obtained in the name of the adult who will accompany the child in the water and on the beach during the sessions. Separate health and safety forms need to be completed for both the child and accompanying adult.
  • Children under secondary school age must have a parent or carer present on the beach for the duration of their session.
  • Parents/helpers who are entering the sea with their child will be required to do a water safety course. This will be arranged before the child begins their sessions and will consist of a 2 hour evening webinar, and a 2 hour practical session on the beach.
  • All Nippers & Sandhoppers must wear a club rash vest & their hat for the duration of the session. This helps the coaches & lifeguards to recognise they are club members.

Beach Environment

  • Respect the ocean and the beach. Don’t leave rubbish around and keep the beach clean.

Club Equipment

  • Club rash vests must be worn at all times during beach sessions, and returned to the container at the end of the session.
  • Club hats will be personally issued. Please ensure they are named and brought to all sessions. Replacement hats can be purchased for £10.
  • All equipment must be returned to the club container at the end of sessions.
  • The equipment you take out is your responsibility - please return it after use.
  • Do not leave equipment outside (or at the water’s edge) unless instructed to do so.
  • Any damaged equipment must be reported to a coach or the club equipment manager (Andy B) so that it can be logged for repair.


  • Please help to keep the container(s) & surrounding area tidy.
  • The container can only be opened/locked by nominated staff.
  • The club is not responsible for any personal belongings, including surfboards, left on site. They are left at your own risk.


  • To try to keep our membership waiting list to a minimum the three-week rule will be enforced – any member not attending training sessions for 3 consecutive weeks without prior agreement from a committee member or coach will have their membership withdrawn and must reapply via the waiting list system. Each case will be assessed individually.
  • Club training will normally be held on Sundays between 9:00 – 11:00 (beach).


  • Warm activewear must be brought to the beach each week throughout the summer as well as swimming gear, as it may not always be possible to go into the water.
  • Members should bring a towel, swimming costume and full-length wetsuit, Sandhoppers and Nippers must wear surf boots or beach shoes.
  • Members should have sun cream & a named water available to them at all sessions.


  • We have 6 allocated parking spaces next to the club compound. These are exclusively for lifeguards & coaches running the sessions.
  • All other members must make use of the public parking at the bottom of the hill, or the overflow parking at the top.

Methods of Contact

  • On joining the club, you will be added to our WhatsApp community. Within that you will have a dedicated group for your child(ren)’s session(s). For general contact (e.g. sickness/holiday), please use that chat to let the coaches know about any sessions that will be missed.
  • All membership enquiries can be sent to Clare D -
  • For any Nippers related questions, please contact our Nipper Manager Rachel -
  • For general queries please contact
  • Session specific communications will be sent out in the specific session’s WhatsApp group.
  • General club communications will be sent either via email (via our membership system), or in the ‘General chat/’Announcements’ groups in WhatsApp.